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Yummiest lesson of all

22 December 2016

Buying doughnuts for Chanukah? Children at Tuffkid Nursery made their own!

Making doughnuts by hand was one of the Chanukah activities at Tuffkid Nursery.

As well as learning the Chanukah story, the children had to decide how many candles to light on the nursery chanukiah – the perfect maths exercise.

The children learned about extracting oil from olives and looked at other forms of light. One activity involved shining torches and light-making toys into a darkened room.

On the dreidel theme, the children did spin art, putting paint onto paper plates which then went into a spinner.

The children also came home with their own chanukiahs which they crafted from clay and decorated.

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Pirkei Avos
“The world stands on three things: Torah, the service of G-d, and deeds of kindness.” Kisharon looks at the person not the disability, teaching Torah, Middos and Mitzvot embracing and cherishing everybody’s special talent and bringing out the best in them.