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Meet Eitan and his mum Aliza

18 April 2023

Eitan’s family will be raising money for Kisharon in the Crowdfunding Campaign this Sunday and Monday.

While most teenagers can face the future with confidence, what lies ahead for Eitan, a pupil at Kisharon Noé School, is not as predictable. His mum, Aliza says: “Most 16 year olds are right now focused on GCSEs, thinking of post exam summer vacations and if they are lucky, summer jobs. Next comes A-level choices, booking driving instructors and career planning.

“For children like our wonderful Eitan, the challenges are different. Instead of passing exams he is trying to learn to recognise coins and tell the time.

“Taking driving lessons is replaced with a new level of independence, like walking down the road by himself. Figuring out his future is something that we have no way of determining. What we do know is that Kisharon is there for Eitan and all the many other children and adults in his situation.

“Thanks to Kisharon nursery, school, college, residential, work placement and more we know that we, and the whole Jewish community and beyond, have an organisation to support, help and make the lives of the most special among us able and independent. Please help ensure Kisharon can continue to do this most special of activities for the best of those among us.”

Sign up to be a Kisharon Champion on 23/24 April here: or donate at

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Pirkei Avos
“The world stands on three things: Torah, the service of G-d, and deeds of kindness.” Kisharon looks at the person not the disability, teaching Torah, Middos and Mitzvot embracing and cherishing everybody’s special talent and bringing out the best in them.