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Friendship: day-long reunion for Afolake

19 June 2020

Supported Living Manager Afolake Fakeye is everyone’s best friend, and on her first day back after the easing of lockdown there was a queue in the garden at Leeside supported living, waiting to greet her.

“I told Eli Cohen that I was coming but to keep it a secret, and he did. But when everyone saw me, they flocked out,” Afolake said.

“I spent time in the garden having one-to-one talks, and went on to Wohl Lodge, Eagle Lodge and other supported living homes, and one of the men made me a pasta lunch. One had family worries, while another wanted help checking his bank statement. I told them I was back and ready to start nagging them again but no-one minded too much!

“As managers we share photos of those we support on a WhatsApp group so we can see how they are doing but it was good to see everyone for real.

“We have been into the homes for checks, and to go through files but this was a reunion that lasted the whole day!”

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Pirkei Avos
“The world stands on three things: Torah, the service of G-d, and deeds of kindness.” Kisharon looks at the person not the disability, teaching Torah, Middos and Mitzvot embracing and cherishing everybody’s special talent and bringing out the best in them.